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Powerful Witch Doctor Threatens Zulu Boy - See What Happened

opera.com 1 day ago

A powerful traditional healer, known as an inyanga, named Mpamehlangene, has threatened to use muthi (traditional medicine) on actor Zulu Boy. This conflict arose after a dispute over a stolen car. Zulu Boy is not only an actor but also a member of the MK Party Creative Council.

The inyanga, Mpamehlangene, is very upset and has said that he can use his muthi to make Zulu Boy go mad. Mpamehlangene's threats have shocked many people, as muthi is believed to have strong and sometimes dangerous powers in traditional African culture.

The problem started when Zulu Boy accused Mpamehlangene of stealing a car. The inyanga did not take this accusation lightly and responded with threats. Zulu Boy, however, stands by his accusation and says he will not apologize for calling Mpamehlangene a thief.

Zulu Boy shared his thoughts on the matter, saying, "I will not apologize for telling the truth. Mpamehlangene stole the car, and I am not afraid of his threats."

The MK Party is now involved in this dispute, trying to calm both parties down. The party wants to avoid any further conflict and is looking for a peaceful solution. Party members are concerned that this dispute could damage their reputation and distract from their political work.

Many people are watching this situation closely, as both Zulu Boy and Mpamehlangene are well-known figures. There is fear that this conflict could escalate, especially with the involvement of muthi.

In the meantime, Zulu Boy continues his work with the MK Party and as an actor, showing no signs of fear despite the threats. The public is waiting to see how this dispute will be resolved and whether Mpamehlangene will act on his threats.



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