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Reasons Why You Should Not Marry These Women: Police Women, Nurses, Lawyers, Tv Presenters.

opera.com 2024/5/18

A startling revelation has emerged from a comprehensive study conducted by esteemed marriage specialists between February 2015 and February 2016. The research has pinpointed certain professions deemed unsuitable when seeking a spouse, particularly among women. Among the professions scrutinized were police officers, nurses, lawyers, TV news anchors, and politicians, each revealing shocking reasons why they might not make ideal wives.

Police Officers:

Marriage to a policewoman comes with a stern warning: "Unless you want to rot in jail." The dynamics of such a union are complex, with husbands finding it exceedingly challenging to assert control. The irregular working hours and unpredictable nature of police work often result in a lack of domestic presence, leaving spouses to fend for themselves. Furthermore, frequent relocations add strain to marital stability, with partners finding themselves uprooted at inconvenient times.


Drawing parallels to nuns, the nursing profession is described as a calling, demanding unwavering dedication to patient care. The emotional toll of witnessing suffering may lead to a detachment from intimate activities, rendering them frigid in bed. Additionally, rumors abound of on-duty nurses forming close bonds with doctors, leaving spouses feeling neglected. Shockingly, reports suggest a concerning trend of nurses engaging in inappropriate relationships with patients, posing significant risks to marital fidelity.


Considered influential members of society, female lawyers are portrayed as potential harbingers of marital doom. The specter of losing assets, custody battles, and even one's livelihood looms large in unions with legal professionals, particularly activists. Their adeptness at manipulation, honed in the courtroom, can leave spouses feeling powerless and enslaved. Even attempts at discipline are met with reminders of the legal recourse at their disposal, leaving partners resigned to their fate.

TV News Anchors:

Characterized by their attractiveness and public visibility, TV news anchors are depicted as susceptible to the allure of wealth and power. The temptation of affluent suitors can lead to infidelity and abandonment, leaving hapless spouses to suffer the consequences of their partner's indiscretions. The disparity in wealth and influence further exacerbates the power dynamics within such marriages, with control lying firmly in the hands of the more affluent partner.


In a realm fraught with power struggles and ethical ambiguities, marriages to female politicians are portrayed as fraught with challenges. The elusive pursuit of fidelity and happiness is often eclipsed by the demands of political ambition, leaving spouses grappling with feelings of neglect and insecurity. The potential for abuse of power, both within the marriage and in the public sphere, further complicates the dynamics of such unions, with fidelity becoming a rare commodity.

The Exception: Teachers

Amidst the bleak landscape painted by the study, one profession stands out as a beacon of hope: teachers. With an astonishing 90% satisfaction rate among spouses, marrying a teacher is hailed as a surefire path to marital bliss. The nurturing nature and stability inherent in the teaching profession offer a stark contrast to the tumultuous relationships depicted in other professions.

In conclusion, the research underscores the importance of considering profession when seeking a life partner. While exceptions may exist, the evidence suggests that certain professions may predispose individuals to challenges that can strain marital harmony. With the knowledge gleaned from this study, prospective spouses are urged to proceed with caution, lest they find themselves ensnared in the complexities of marriage to unsuitable professions.



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