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The power belongs to the people.=

opera.com 2024/10/6

"The power belongs to the people" is a foundational principle of democracy, emphasizing that the authority of the government is derived from the consent of the governed. This concept has deep resonance in Kenya, particularly in light of historical events such as the Saba Saba protests, which epitomize the struggle for democratic governance and political accountability.

In Kenya, this principle has been a driving force behind significant political changes. The pro-democracy movement in the late 1980s and early 1990s, culminating in the Saba Saba protests of July 7, 1990, was a testament to the people's power. Citizens, despite facing oppression and brutality, stood up against the autocratic regime of President Daniel arap Moi, demanding the reintroduction of multi-party democracy. Their perseverance led to substantial political reforms, including the establishment of a multi-party system and the eventual end of Moi's rule.

Today, the principle that power belongs to the people continues to inspire and mobilize Kenyans. It underscores the importance of civic engagement, voter participation, and holding leaders accountable. Generation Z, in particular, has embraced this ethos, using social media and other platforms to advocate for transparency, justice, and economic opportunities. Their activism, seen in movements and protests, reflects a continued commitment to ensuring that the government serves the interests of all citizens, not just a privileged few.

Moreover, this principle is enshrined in the Kenyan Constitution, which guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms, ensuring that citizens have the power to influence governance through free and fair elections, the right to assemble, and freedom of expression. The devolution of power to county governments also reflects an effort to bring governance closer to the people, making it more responsive and accountable.

In essence, "the power belongs to the people" is not just a slogan but a call to action. It reminds Kenyans of their role in shaping the nation's future and the importance of remaining vigilant and engaged in the democratic process. By embracing this principle, Kenyans can continue to push for a more inclusive, transparent, and equitable society.

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