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"William Ruto, You Never Believed In Our Constitution In The First Place" Saitabao Kanchory Says

opera.com 3 days ago

Hon. Saitabao Ole Kanchory has accused president William Ruto of surrending our National Sovereignty and hard won independence to IMF and World Bank.

"William Ruto (who never believed in our Constitution in the first place) has variously and repeatedly attempted to overthrow and subvert our Constitution and in so doing has violated Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4, inter alia, by:

1. Surrendering our national Sovereignty and hard won independence to IMF & WORLD BANK without the authority or consent of the Kenyan people which ought to have been sought and expressly granted either directly (Referendum) or through Parliament;

2. Allowing Joe Biden to illegally and unconstitutionally designate Kenya a "Major non-NATO Allow" without the prior consent or authority of the Kenyan people whether directly (Referendum) or through Parliament.

3. Attempting to stop or suppress the revolution thus subverting our "sovereign and inalienable right to determine the form of governance of our country" and "the aspirations of all Kenyans for a government based on the essential values of human rights, equality, freedom, democracy, social justice and the rule of law."

The Gen Z revolution is, therefore, a case of the Constitution of (a highly revolutionary document) fighting back through the Gen Z (See my immediate previous post for further details).

Any attempt to stop or suppress this revolution is itself treason and we must be prepared to defend and uphold our Constitution.

The long and short of it, fellow Kenyans is that the law, the Constitution, history and God are all on our side as we say". Said Hon. Saitabao Ole Kanchory

You can follow this link for more information for yourself;


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