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Moment Of Truth As Duale Reveals 2 People He Consulted Before Deploying Military In Nairobi CBD

opera.com 3 days ago

Defense Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has said that his decision to deploy the Kenya Defence Forces internally on the streets of Nairobi, was informed by the National security threat that was posed by the Gen Z protests.

The Cabinet Secretary has confirmed that he arrived at this decision after making far and wide consultation and putting into consideration the provisions of the Constitution and Kenya Defence Forces Act.

Duale who was speaking to Citizen TV on Wednesday night said that before he invoked the Articles of the Constitution and KDF act, he had to consult with Chief of Defense Forces, General Charles Kahariri and Commander in Chief of Defense Forces, President William Ruto.

The Cabinet Secretary said that the move was taken to save the country that was about to slide into anarchy, claiming that they had received intelligence that the protesters were planning to set ablaze all the government institutions before going to Statehouse.

"As the chairman of the defence council, in consultation with the CDF and Commander In Chief, we invoked the article in the constitution and the section in the KDF act to make sure that our country does not slide into chaos." He said

The decision by Duale to deploy the KDF internally faced criticism from human rights societies and politicians from the opposition side, who felt that the the ministry did not follow the right procedure to deploy the military internally.

After the parliament quickly approved the deployment of the millitary in less than 30 minutes, the army were seen arriving in the streets of Nairobi, patrolling and the protesters took place last Thursday.


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