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Helen Zille Discusses DA Ministers' Expectations on The CM Show

opera.com 2 days ago

Helen Zille, Chairperson of the Democratic Alliance (DA) Federal Council, shared candid insights on The CM Show regarding the expectations for DA ministers in the new National Government of Unity (GNU). She emphasized that DA ministers are expected to refrain from exploiting the full benefits of the ministerial handbook.

"I hope they will pay for their own lights and water, they won’t take two ministerial residences in Tshwane and Cape Town, and I hope they won’t run around in blue lights," Zille remarked. She stressed the DA’s commitment to integrity and efficiency, adding, "We are NOT here to implement ANC policy."

In response, ANC’s Zuko Godlimpi asserted, "All existing policy stands. It remains intact; parties in the GNU are not here to implement their policies. If they want to repeal policies, they must go through the GNU political council."

Zille reiterated the DA’s stance on policy implementation, advocating for evidence-based policies. She criticized several ANC policies, including the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE), which she labeled as failures. She also mentioned the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill and the National Health Insurance (NHI) as policies needing discussion with the ANC.

Clement Manyathela, host of The CM Show, captured the essence of the exchange on X, highlighting the key points of contention and the DA’s clear stance on governance and policy implementation.

The dialogue underscores the complexities and potential friction within the GNU, as parties navigate their differing ideologies and policy preferences. The DA’s push for evidence-based policy and reduced ministerial perks sets a distinct tone for their participation in the coalition government, indicating a drive for reform and accountability.



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