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JUST IN: Again, Pastor Abel Damina reveals even another shocking revelation

spazr.com.ng 2025/1/21
Pastor Abel Damina reveals even another terrifying revelation!
JUST IN: Again, Pastor Abel Damina reveals even another terrifying revelation!

Once again, the entire Christian community has been stunned by Pastor Abel Damina, the founder of Abel Damina Ministries and Power City International. And this time, the very contentious man of God is not opposing any other man of God or denouncing the beliefs of any Christian group....Read Full Article >>➤

He has truly done the unimaginable this time by stating unequivocally that a Christian’s use of alcohol or cigarettes is not sinful! That is to say, he thinks they haven’t done anything wrong if they can do it in a reasonable way.

However, the contentious clergyman had already astounded the assembly when he challenged the notion that Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden resulted from eating fruit from the forbidden tree before he even dropped this bombshell.

This was said by Damina on Tuesday in his sermon for New Year’s Eve. Adam and Eve didn’t eat anything, he said. Adam and Eve didn’t consume any food. Were you present? You weren’t present. So, how can we tell if they consumed any food? Jesus was present. In the Garden of Eden, was Jesus present? Indeed. Can Jesus tell us what transpired? Indeed. Damina continued by citing Mark 7:18–21 in the Bible to support her claim that a person is not a sinner because of what they eat or drink.

“You don’t realize that Adam and Eve wouldn’t be sinners if they ate something,” he said. People are not sinners because of what they consume. It’s not your diet. Eating or drinking something does not make you a sinner.

Additionally, Damina declared that drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are not sins, saying, “I’ve told you that alcohol is not a sin.” Cigars are not sinful, I’ve told you. I said it; feel free to use it as the headline of your newspaper. He did, however, make it apparent that he did not support such actions. “Am I advocating for you to smoke? He said, “You should know from your father’s house that smoking a cigar will shorten your life.”

“Am I suggesting that you have some alcohol? You should be aware that lying down in a gutter is what happens when you drink alcohol. You’ll lose your pants and shirt. You ought to be sensible enough to realize that.

Pastor Damina believes that a person is corrupted by what is in their heart rather than by the act of eating or drinking. “If Adam and Eve ate, it would end up in their stomachs. It will digest and pass through the toilet. “They will be at liberty,” Damina declared. “Nothing a man eats gets into his heart,” he continued. It will pass through the digestive tract and eventually exit the body.What defiles a man is not what enters him, but rather what leaves him. Your thoughts, not your food, are what define you as a sinner.

One time, someone questioned the controversial man of God why he chose to be controversial. He clarified that he didn’t decide to stir up controversy. Listen to him: “The truth is that only people who are used to hearing lies will find me controversial. The truth will sound different to someone who is accustomed to lying. Truth sounds rebellious when lies are institutionalized. Since my teachings are based on the same ancient Bible that has been in use for thousands of years, they are not particularly controversial.

In terms of biblical teaching, the Pharisees and Sadducees were already teaching the Bible before Jesus showed up in the four gospels, and their methods were different from Jesus’ own. He was described as having a very unusual voice, being contentious, being odd, and speaking authoritatively and powerfully.

The Bible is an ancient text written in a language that is not ours, a culture that is not ours, a vocabulary that is not our vocabulary, and a word review that is not our review word. Over a period of more than 1500 years, 40 authors wrote the Bible, which is available in Greek, Hebrew, Latin, or Aramaic.

Additionally, the Bible was composed across three continents. There was only one message when it was collated. “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me,” Jesus remarked in John 5:39. Thus, the Bible as a whole is the testimony of Christ; it has a single focus, message, and character. Therefore, we claim that the Bible is a Christocentric text that emphasizes Christ. The Bible’s theology is Christology, and the mission of Christ is Soteriology, or salvation. Tible is a theology.

Therefore, everything I say will seem controversial to a preacher and his audience if they stop emphasizing Christ or salvation. Therefore, it’s not controversial; it’s only that the Bible’s teaching differs from what people were previously taught. For those who are not accustomed to hearing them, the message of the Bible—Christ and salvation—sounds controversial now that we are teaching it.

Abel Damina, the pastor, has been in the news constantly. By criticizing a number of clergy and challenging their theories and beliefs, which he maintains are either completely incorrect or riddled with contradictions, he garnered media attention. Saying that the man angered many powerful men of God is stating the obvious. Additionally, he made a number of them feel uncomfortable, and they have since drawn the battle line beside him.

In addition to his personal dispute with Pastor David Enenche over allegations that he ordained him, Abel Damina is involved in a number of other conflicts with other influential figures in God’s kingdom. This is because he has made a number of contentious remarks that have angered Bishop Oyedepo, Pastor Adeboye, Bishop Ibiyieomi, Pastor David Enenche, Pastor Jerry Eze, Apostle Joshua Selman, and a number of other clergymen.

Along with his agricultural coworkers, he was not initially a guy on the war road. In addition, he advocated for prosperity and accepted all the other ideologies that the others promoted. However, following what he described as a “divine encounter,” his viewpoint abruptly shifted, and he was transformed into a whole new man of God. He stopped supporting prosperity preaching and disagreed with a number of other ideas that men of God believed, including tithing. Additionally, Damina has adopted yet another gospel that appears alluring and occasionally causes controversy since his widely reported departure from the prosperity spell.

He was born in northern Nigeria on August 29, 1960, and lived with his parents for the majority of his early years. He is well-read, as evidenced by the Dr. at the beginning of his name. Speaking about the beginnings of his church, Damina stated that he founded Power City International in 1992 after seeing a vision for the ministry when God instructed him to feed the hungry sheep. He held the first apex service at the Apex Cinema Hall in Akwa-Ibom a year after he opened his church. This contributed to the ministry’s expansion.

He gained popularity for his teaching methods, but this popularity was short-lived as many began to view his ideas as heretical. Bishop David Oyedepo, the Presiding Bishop of the Living Faith Church, also known as Winners, and Apostle Joshua Selman, the founder of Koinonia (Eternity Network International), were among the first group of clerics to criticize his teaching approach. ...Read Full Article >>➤

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