Education Briefs - Feb. 5
Area students graduate from Kish
MALTA – Kishwaukee College is proud to announce the graduates for the Fall 2024 semester. Graduation honors are divided into three categories based on final cumulative grade-point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale: summa cum laude indicates a cumulative GPA between 3.75-4.0; magna cum laude indicates a cumulative GPA between 3.5-3.749; and cum laude indicates a cumulative GPA between 3.25-3.499. Students who fulfill the requirements for a Certificate and have a final cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher are awarded a Certificate with Distinction. Members of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society are recognized as PTK.
The graduate total for the Fall 2024 semester is 191 students who completed a total of 197 degrees and certificates.
The following students completed the requirements for graduation from Kishwaukee College:
Amboy — Lian E. Pedersen, CERT, Greenhouse/Garden Center
Earlville — Cheryl Aimee Seguin, Associate in Science, Magna Cum Laude
Mendota — Yahir Angel Diaz, Associate in Science
Paw Paw — Nicole Jennifer Faber, Associate in Science, Magna Cum Laude
Sublette — Eden Jolene Lindenmeyer, CERT, Floral Horticulture
Troy Grove — Mason Koch, CERT, EMT
West Brooklyn — Kaleb Kleckner, CERT, EMT
Area students named to Marquette Dean's List
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – Marquette University in Milwaukee has named its Dean’s List students or the fall 2024 semester.
Among the students achieving the honor are Ellyott Buettner of Mendota, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, and Bella Hagenbuch of Utica, Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology.
To make the Dean's List, students must have earned at least 12 credits for the fall 2024 semester and have no disqualifying grades. The GPA threshold varies by college - for the College of Education and the Klingler College of Arts and Sciences, undergraduate students must have at least a 3.7 to be named to the Dean's List.
The undergraduate GPA requirement is 3.5 for the following colleges: the Diederich College of Communication, the College of Business Administration, the College of Health Sciences, the Opus College of Engineering and the College of Nursing. All other programs have a 3.75 GPA minimum.
Marquette University is a Catholic, Jesuit university that draws over 8,000 undergraduate and 3,700 graduate and professional students from nearly all states and more than 60 countries.
Area students on Kish College Dean’s List
MALTA – Kishwaukee College has announced the students named to the Fall 2024 Dean’s List. To be eligible for Dean’s List honors, a student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours (at the 100/200 level) during an academic term at Kishwaukee College with a semester grade-point average of 3.50 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
The following Kishwaukee College students have been named to the official Fall 2024 Dean’s List:
Amboy — Eliseo Vazquez-Tapia
Paw Paw — Finn Clayton, Mahala Gonzalez, Italia Howell, Victoria McCannon, Jakob McNally, Bethany Odle
Kish College gives Part-Time Student Honors List
MALTA – Kishwaukee College has announced the students named to the Fall 2024 Part-Time Student Honors List. To be eligible for this honor, a student must have completed a minimum of six (but less than 12) semester hours of college-level courses at Kish with a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher.
The following students have been named to the Kishwaukee College Fall 2024 Part-Time Student Honors List:
Amboy — Serenity Munk, Miguel Villegas, Kristen Widolff
Earlville — Elizabeth Bend
Mendota — Gabriel Guzman
Paw Paw — Tamara Bittner, Saul Cardenas, Sally Diaz, Andrew Prescod
Buchanan makes Bismarck honor roll
BISMARCK, N.D. – John Buchanan of Mendota has been named to the President's Honor Roll for the Fall 2024 semester at Bismarck State College (BSC).
"Achievements earned as a BSC student create a strong foundation for future career success by developing knowledge, skills and discipline. The dedication shown today paves the way for new opportunities and equips them to confidently face challenges in their chosen career path," says BSC Interim President Brent Sanford.
Students must maintain at least a 3.50 grade point on a 4.00 scale while enrolled in at least 12 semester hours of classes to qualify for the BSC President's Honor Roll.
Bismarck State College (BSC) is North Dakota's Polytechnic Institution, offering high-quality, affordable education with more than 100 career pathways, including two-year associate degrees, four-year bachelor's degrees, and short-term program certificates.
Area students named to NIU Dean's List
DeKALB – Northern Illinois University announces its fall 2024 Dean's List students.
Area students achieving the honor include Geo Richter of Earlville, Health Sciences-General; Christa Rinaldo of Mendota, Undeclared H&HS; and Allison Stewart of Mendota, Chemistry - B.S.
To earn this distinction, students must meet a minimum semester grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology or a minimum of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale in the colleges of Business, Education, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Visual and Performing Arts.
Manning named to Dubuque Academic Dean's List
DUBUQUE, Iowa – The University of Dubuque has announced the students making the Fall Semester 2024 Academic Dean's List.
Among the students achieving the honor is Paige Manning of Mendota.
Full-time students in good academic standing (registered for and having earned 12 or more letter grade credits for the term) who earn a term grade point average of 3.5 or above and who do not have any grades of Incomplete for the term are named to the Dean's List. Once grades have been submitted for any Incompletes, the Office of Academic Affairs will review eligibility again for possible placement on the Dean's List for the given term.
Area students graduate from NIU
DeKALB – More than 1,150 students received their bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from Northern Illinois University in December. Included among the graduates were the following students:
Stephanie Eller of Earlville, Doctor of Education, Curriculum and Instruction-Literacy Education; Madison Bean of Mendota, Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Education with Preschool Special Education Approval; Rose Kemmerer of Mendota, Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Education with Preschool Special Education Approval
Northern Illinois University is a student-centered, nationally recognized public research university with a global network of nearly 260,000 alumni.
Faivre makes Monmouth Dean’s List
MONMOUTH – Tanner Faivre, a business administration major from Earlville, has made the Dean's List at Monmouth College for the Fall 2024 semester. To achieve the honor, a student needed at least a 3.5 grade-point average on a 4.0 scale while earning at least three academic credits.
He is the son of Rich and Bridget Faivre of Earlville.
Founded in 1853 and affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Monmouth College offers 44 majors, 41 minors and 14 pre-professional programs.
Marks honored for academic success
STEVENS POINT, Wis. - The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point honored more than 2,600 undergraduate students for attaining high grade point averages during the fall semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.
Among the students achieving the honor is Paige Marks of Earlville, honors.
Full-time undergraduates who earned grade points of 3.90 to 4.0 (4.0 equals straight A) are given the highest honors designation. High honor citations go to those with grade point averages from 3.75 to 3.89 and honor recognition is accorded to those with grade point averages from 3.50 to 3.74.
Mendotans achieve honors at MSOE
MILWAUKEE, Wis. – Two Mendota residents earned academic achievement at the Milwaukee School of Engineering for the 2024 Fall Semester.
Melaina Bierwirth was named to the MSOE Dean's List for the 2024 Fall Semester. Bierwirth is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.
Jenna O'Donnell was named to the MSOE Honors List for the 2024 Fall Semester. O'Donnell is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering.
MSOE encourages excellence in academic achievement and, as a result, publishes the Dean's List and Honors List each fall and spring semester. Students taking undergraduate courses who have earned at least 12 credits in residence at MSOE, are in good academic standing, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher are on the Dean's List. Students on that list who have maintained a 3.70 or higher receive "high honors." Students with a term GPA of 3.20 or higher, who are not on the Dean's List, are on the Honors List.
Mendotans on Augustana Dean’s List
ROCK ISLAND – Augustana College announced more than 1,200 students were named to the Dean's List for the 2024-2025 fall semester. Students who have earned this academic honor have maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a four-point scale for courses taken during the term.
Recognized students include Alexis Finley, a Biochemistry major, of Mendota, and Aliza Salinas-Cervantes, a Biology, Spanish for Professional Use major, of Mendota.
A private college of the liberal arts and sciences, Augustana enrolls 2,500 students on a 115-acre residential campus in the Quad Cities (pop. 470,000) along the Mississippi River.