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Beware of Rabid Animals: DPH Issues Urgent Warning to Residents

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

In a recent announcement, the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) is urging residents to remain vigilant against rabid animals. As the summer season sees more people venturing outdoors, the risk of encountering a rabid animal increases, with rabies being a recurring occurrence in the state. Signs of a Rabid Animal Susana Baumann, an epidemiologist for DPH's Rabies Program, highlights various visible signs to watch out for in a rabid animal. These include aggressive behavior, disorientation, and unusual movements such as walking in circles. Late-stage symptoms may involve seizures and excessive salivation. Baumann emphasizes that changes in an animal's behavior, especially in wild animals straying from their usual habitats, could indicate sickness as they typically avoid human contact. Transmission and Susceptibility While rabies is commonly transmitted through a bite, there have been rare cases of transmission through scratches, abrasions, or exposure of open wounds to a rabid animal's saliva. Although any warm-blooded mammal can contract rabies, certain species are more susceptible. Bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes, coyotes, and other wild animals are at a higher risk of carrying rabies. Baumann notes that the majority of reported rabies cases in the US involve wild animals, particularly bats. Action Steps If you encounter a wild animal displaying aggressive behavior or notice a sick or injured animal, it is recommended to contact DNREC's Wildlife Section for assistance. In case of a potential rabies exposure, immediate medical attention is crucial. Wash the wound thoroughly and seek medical help promptly to address any risks associated with rabies. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, residents can protect themselves and their families from the dangers posed by rabid animals.

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